#36, Kalaimagal Nagar 2nd Main road, Ekkatuthangal, Chennai – 600032
An ERP built for quotation and sale order management until its fulfillment process such as generation of DC, Invoice for the sale order and collection of payment receipts.

The modules covered are as follows:


  • Master screens to manage multiple companies, categories, category wise products & admin users.
  • Clients management
  • Quote management
  • Sale order management to create client PO with list of deliverable products
  • DC generation process with PRINT option
  • Company specific DC formats
  • Invoice module for generating invoice for multiple DC’s of a client
  • Payment receipt screen to capture payments against the generated invoice
  • Payment followup system — Client specific followup with feature to track history and set a due date
  • Tracking of total receivables and pending payment history of a client against each invoice
  • Collection reports
  • Product wise sales report between specific period


Submit your request for quote for our sales team to contact you shortly.
