A web application developed for SAEINDIA for the users to register and renew for the membership of various plans through a front end website with a backend process to manage the plans, member profiles, renewals and payments.

The modules covered are as follows:
- Member registration with otp verification process
- Both online and offline payment options during registration and renewal process
- Auto validity & price calculation based on the logic settings done at backend
- Auto generation of unique membership number on basis of various conditions provided by client
- Member login
- Profile view
- Profile edit
- View membership & payment history
- Download PDF receipt
- Print/Download the auto generated ID Card in PDF format
- Upgrade/Renew option with online and offline payment
- View announcements
- View Recent login/logout history
- Change password
- Magazines list with option to read in flip book viewer / download as PDF
Collegiate Club:
- Collegiate club login
- Dashboard with count of registered members under the club
- Profile Edit
- Photo Gallery management
- Dashboard
- Overview and count of Pending renewal requests, expired members, etc.
- Shortcuts to few important actions / screens
- Recent staff and member login / logout history
- Display of Payment report for the day, week and month
- Master -- to create and manage all essential data sources for the membership registration process such as Company, Colleges, State, City, Membership Plans, Sections, etc..
- Announcements -- to manage the announcements to be displayed on Member dashboards
- Admin users
- Members Management -- Status wise listing such as waiting for approval, expired, approved
- View individual member profile data with options to Edit, Renew, Download ID card and to view membership history
- Renewals -- Separate screen to see member renewal requests and management
- Magazine management screen to upload month wise magazine PDF files
- Different report formats with various filter options and export data to excel feature
- Reports such as Active members, Expired members, GST reports, Financial reports etc..
- Bulk Import feature to import the student members using a formatted excel file
- Collegiate clubs management
- Feature to create a login for the colleges registered in their club & assignment of a unique club number
- Feature to export individual collegiate club data into an excel file
- Feature to download the registered clubs in excel file with various filter options
- Feature to see the photos uploaded by each collegiate club members on their login